[CoLoCo] Website Migration

NerdyNick nerdynick at gmail.com
Fri Sep 26 18:23:47 UTC 2014

As we quick fun note. I have migrated the website to a new server platform.
This is a migrations from Rackspace's 1st gen to the 2nd gen performance 1
machines. This gives us more CPU power and SSD's. As well as part of the
migration, I have done a little tuning to the PHP install to hopefully get
more speed out of our wordpress install. So in all you should hopefully see
a bit of a performance gain.

As a fun side note. This migration also allows for IPv6 support. So I have
gone ahead and put everything in place to support IPv6. I just have yet to
test it and verify its working perfectly. So if anyone has IPv6 running and
is wishing to give it a test, let me know what you find.

Nick Verbeck - NerdyNick
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