[CoLoCo] Call for Leadership

Anthony Zotti zottianthony at gmail.com
Fri Sep 21 01:25:36 UTC 2012

I liked it. Works for me...

On Thu, Sep 20, 2012 at 7:22 PM, David Overcash <funnylookinhat at gmail.com>wrote:

> None yet...
> Pending any objections ( I don't expect any ) - I'll pull Alexander in on
> the planning process so he can get a feel for things...
> Locations - where we were last time was really good.  Any objections to
> meeting at the Rock Bottom in Westminster again?
> -David
> On Thu, Sep 20, 2012 at 6:38 PM, Anthony Zotti <zottianthony at gmail.com>wrote:
>> So, it seems that a good starting point is the 12.10 release. Have any
>> plans already been made for a release party?
>> On Wednesday, September 19, 2012, David Overcash wrote:
>>> Hi Gary -
>>> Great question.  So - the leadership of the group has traditionally been
>>> a single team lead and a deputy lead.  We've never had a clash for the
>>> passing of the torch, so to speak, and generally just have one person who
>>> is willing to assume the role anyways.
>>> Unless anyone is opposed, we'll go ahead and plan a bit of "passing of
>>> the torch" time for our next release party, where I'll officially hand over
>>> the reigns to Alexander.  I'll let him weigh in, and any one else who is
>>> late to this conversation, on whether or not that's best for the group.  To
>>> be honest, an enthusiastic student in college is the perfect kind of person
>>> to be running this group - that's what worked best for me in the past.
>>> Unfortunately I have far more responsibilities now than I did then.  :)
>>> -David
>>> On Wed, Sep 19, 2012 at 9:28 PM, Gary Romero <randomincolorado at gmail.com
>>> > wrote:
>>>> I guess the question underlying this Call is, how do we install a
>>>> leader or leadership counsel? Admittedly, I'm new to the LoCo thing so
>>>> forgive me if this is already laid out somewhere.
>>>> Alexander seems to be interested and like him I'm surprised that there
>>>> isn't more activity in the CoLoCo. I may not have the spare time to lead
>>>> myself I'll gladly help whomever steps up to lead.
>>>> Gary Romero
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>> Anthony Zotti,
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>> www.reTHINKconnection.com
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Anthony Zotti,
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