[CoLoCo] Call for Leadership
Alexander Stokes
stokes91 at gmail.com
Wed Sep 19 20:32:14 UTC 2012
CoLoCo team,
I am Alexander Stokes, and I am pretty sure non of you guys know me. I have
been an Ubuntu evangelist among my small group of geeky comp sci friends,
and my passion for this OS has grown beyond those shoes. So I joined my
local team, ...you guys! And I am now in the strange position of asking to
lead. It's really silly to ask, but what I lack in experience, I make up in
enthusiasm. I love to learn, and thank goodness, I love to socialize. We
should keep this group alive! And if that means I make a giant leap to
lead, I guess all I need is your help, guidance and support. If nay, that's
totally cool, we just need to find a second option. I would hate to see
this group fizzle out!
I am a student at the University of Colorado, and I think it would be fun
to plan for an "Ubuntu table" at the various university event days. I could
help organize and do setup/ teardown. I just need a few people to show up
and glow with knowledge.
Elsewhere, we could call upon high school and university computer clubs to
schedule disk distribution in bulk,l ultimately fostering involvement with
the people who we will by competing/working with in the future.
Heh there are so many possibilities! We could show off some creative talent
in computer design at art shows, do bake sales(kidding), meet and greets
with lawmakers, Ubuntu picnics, bugging parties. I could go on.
It kinda saddens me that my inbox isn't spammed with possible events and
things to get our creative community out there. I can sure help fix that,
but its doubtful I can take over leadership (yet). ...Let's fix that!
Alexander Stokes
On Sep 19, 2012 2:07 PM, "David Overcash" <funnylookinhat at gmail.com> wrote:
> Would love to see those ( coordinated or not ). We were having geek
> meetups for a while, but the attendance dropped quite low.
> On Wed, Sep 19, 2012 at 2:03 PM, <telecon at infosyndicate.net> wrote:
>> How about install and support meet-ups once a month, co-ordinated with
>> a local HackerSpace?
>> On Wed, Sep 19, 2012 at 10:56 AM, David Overcash
>> <funnylookinhat at gmail.com> wrote:
>> > Hello Team!
>> >
>> > So here's the deal - our LoCo is up for re-approval before the LoCo
>> Council
>> > ( bug at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-locoteams/+bug/1007194 -
>> you need
>> > to login to Launchpad before the link will work ). Generally this
>> requires
>> > pulling together a short wiki doc on our activity, explaining future
>> > endeavors, etc. Coincidentally, I'm looking for someone to take over
>> this
>> > team ( and push us through the approval process )! So if any of you are
>> > interested, please toss your hat into the ring. The duties involve, at
>> the
>> > least, holding onto all of our CDs, banners, and official Ubuntu books,
>> > while coordinating ( at a bare minimum ) release parties. I'm going to
>> be
>> > honest though, the LoCo council will probably not re-approve the team
>> if our
>> > only goal is to have release parties twice a year. If you've got some
>> great
>> > ideas for events, are willing to send some emails and hop on IRC every
>> once
>> > in a while, and love Ubuntu, you're the perfect candidate! We'll
>> probably
>> > have some sort of official changing of the guard ceremony at the next
>> > release party.
>> >
>> > We're also technically looking for a deputy team lead in case anyone is
>> > interested in having a position with less responsibility. Feel free to
>> toss
>> > your name in for that as well.
>> >
>> > Cheers,
>> > David
>> >
>> > --
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