[CoLoCo] Raspberry Pi - Ubuntu

David Overcash funnylookinhat at gmail.com
Tue Oct 16 14:01:27 UTC 2012

Unfortunately, Ubuntu isn't supported on the R-Pi because it's build for
ARMv7 and the R-Pi only has an ARMv6 SoC.  I have, however, gotten the
debian build that they put out and RaspBMC to work - so far so good.

Do you know if yours went into the mail before or after the memory upgrade?
 They recently ( a few days ago ) announced an increase in memory on the
model B from 256MB to 512MB which should help a lot.


On Tue, Oct 16, 2012 at 7:47 AM, Gary Romero <randomincolorado at gmail.com>wrote:

> Has anyone successfully installed Ubuntu on a Raspberry Pi? Mine is in
> the mail and I'm hoping to have the SD card ready when it arrives.
> Thanks,
> --
> Gary Romero
> --
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