[CoLoCo] Java on Chrome OS

Andrew Barney keen101 at gmail.com
Fri Jan 27 18:17:52 UTC 2012

I'm not sure about java on chrome, but i do know that the smart boards do
have a linux client available. In H.S. me and my friends would play kolf at
lunch time using the smart board on ubuntu. But i guess your referring to
the dependency on IE. Maybe you could try installing ies4linux? It probably
wouldn't be a great solution though.**

As a side question, Isn't ChromeOS just a highly customised version of
ubuntu netbook edition? I remember trying out one of the first alphas of
ChromeOS, and that's the impression i had. Although it was in very early
testing stage at that point, so i have no idea how much it's progressed
since then.


Our kids school district (Littleton) suffers from a number of problems
> with vendor and student technology lock in that seem to require
> microsoft products to enable them.  Infinite Campus for example seems
> to be IE bound as do a few other staff tools that support the smart
> boards, calculators and document projectors.   Having said that the
> whole district converted to google for email, document management and
> calendaring this semester.  No more Outlook at least. All in all it
> still seems to be a mixed bag on overall "linux-ability" in our
> district.
> chris
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