[CoLoCo] 11.10 Release Party???

David Overcash funnylookinhat at gmail.com
Fri Sep 30 19:19:09 UTC 2011

Yeah - Go ahead and RSVP at the meetup link Kevin provided...  and if you (
or anyone reading this for that matter ) are interested in presenting
something that you've done or are doing with Ubuntu - by all means let me

Please do so if you're planning on coming!

I haven't reserved the room yet because we haven't had enough of a commit -
which means that we could potentially be sharing the space with other
people... if we can hit 20 RSVPs or so then I'll go and put my credit card
down on the place so we can have it all to ourselves like we have in the


On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 1:16 PM, Kevin Fries <kfries6 at gmail.com> wrote:

> On 09/30/2011 12:50 PM, Blue Lotus wrote:
>> Greetings!
>> What's the word on the release party for Oneiric 11.10?
>> Is anything being planned?
>> Do you need help organizing the event or getting a venue, music, etc
>> together?
>> Please let me know, as I would be interested in helping out with the
>> party.
>> Cheers!
>> Artem
>> --
>> bluelotus at riseup.net
>> (303) 564-4865
> http://www.meetup.com/The-**Denver-Boulder-Linux-Meetup-**
> Group/events/33826972/<http://www.meetup.com/The-Denver-Boulder-Linux-Meetup-Group/events/33826972/>
> We are always looking for people to present, I would get ahold of David
> Overcash or myself off list.
> Kevin
> --
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