[CoLoCo] On Demand VPN

Shawn Perry shawn at redmop.com
Fri Sep 23 16:43:34 UTC 2011

You can do it with upstart, though I'm away from computer to get more
detailed than that.  I know it will need to come up right after networking,
On Sep 23, 2011 10:18 AM, "Kevin Fries" <kfries6 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Back in the "Good Ol' Days" (wink wink) there used to be a tool that
> would start on boot that would identify your environment at startup.
> You could write a test that would go (pseudo code, not actual test code)
> something like:
> * If my IP is in the 192.168.5.x subnet, then location=home
> * If my IP is in the 192.168.1.x subnet && hostname of
> == "snoopy", then location=office
> * if my IP is in the 192.168.1.x subnet && hostname of
> == "mail", then location=clientA
> Well you get the idea, you could set your network settings appropriate
> to your location. This was a great tool for consultants, and I used to
> use it on the laptop I used when consulting. But that was in the days
> before Network Manager, Wicd, and all the other udev based network
> management tools.
> Today, I find myself with a similar problem, but on the surface, it is
> far more simplistic. 99% of the time, Network Manager in my Ubuntu
> 11.04 does exactly what it is supposed to do. I also have a VPN set up
> to my office, that is working correctly, but due to restrictions on the
> VPN from the company, is less than optimal. But Network Manager is far
> more of a black box than the old ifup/down ever was, so I thought I
> would ask all of you.
> What I would like:
> * When I am in the office, I just want Network Manager functionality
> * When I am not in the office, the default is normal Network Manager
> functionality
> * When I am not in the office, and I try to go to a location (by name
> or IP) that is within a specified range, I want the VPN to activate, and
> route all traffic only for the office over it, while allowing all other
> traffic to go out via the normal, primary, connection.
> Anybody have any ideas on this?
> Kevin
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