[CoLoCo] Ubuntu 11.10 Release Party!

David Overcash funnylookinhat at gmail.com
Tue Sep 13 14:49:15 UTC 2011

Yeah - I hear you Neal. FWIW - I'm with you, and would love a quieter
environment - but it's really difficult to find an accommodating location,
with food and drinks, that also has wireless internet, and is cheap ( read:
free ).  As we have no budget, I'm stuck finding places that are willing to
let us book based on us promising to spend a particular amount in food/drink
( usually around $400 or $500 ).

Hanson's has been really gracious to us in the past, more or less waiving
what I'm signing in committing to spend in food / drink because we treat
their staff so well and ( apparently ) are all pretty good tippers ( so keep
up the good work guys! ).

Again - I haven't officially booked this yet - but will do so in the next
week or so unless I can find a better place.  If anyone has any suggestions
- I'd really appreciate you doing some legwork and calling the place to see
what their room reservation policy is before forwarding it to the list- as
much as I'd love to hunt down details on a few dozen places, I figure
crowd-sourcing is the smart way to tackle that.  :)


On Sat, Sep 10, 2011 at 1:06 PM, Neal McBurnett <neal at bcn.boulder.co.us>wrote:

> Thanks, David.
> For future reference, I'd still prefer a quieter place than Hanson's -
> one where we can actually hear presentations and all hear each other.
> Neal McBurnett                 http://neal.mcburnett.org/
> On Sat, Sep 10, 2011 at 10:20:44AM -0600, David Overcash wrote:
> > Oneiric Ocelot is fast approaching and we have a release party to plan!
>  The
> > deal this go-around is that they're releasing quite a bit earlier than
> we're
> > used to, so we're going to split the difference between having the
> release
> > party immediately after the release and at the end of the month.  We'll
> be
> > meeting up at Hanson's Pub again as that location seems to work really
> well for
> > us - and it's cheap ( read: free ) - so you can't argue with that.
> >
> > Tentative Date & Time:
> > Sunday, October 23
> > Starting at 6:00 ( and going until 9:00 or so )
> >
> > Location:
> > Hanson's Grill & Tavern
> > 1301 South Pearl Street
> > Denver, Colorado 80210
> >
> > Last time around we had some great presentations on Unity and using
> Ubuntu -
> > I'd love it if we could have a repeat of that.  So far it looks like
> Unity is
> > WAY more polished for this release, and I have a feeling it'll garner
> quite a
> > few more fans ( myself included ).  Are there any topics or presentations
> that
> > you guys have been just dying to give to fellow Ubuntu users?  Let me
> know!
> >  It'll be fairly informal, but provides a great platform for discussing
> > whatever you've been learning or building as of late.
> >
> > Questions?  Feel free to email myself or the list!
> >
> > Cheers,
> > David
> > --
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