[CoLoCo] TIE Volunteers - Please sign up
Jim Hutchinson
jim at ubuntu-rocks.org
Wed Jun 15 14:04:38 UTC 2011
Hi Diane,
Sorry for the slow reply. My goal was to have a lab similar to all the other
labs up there which means 20 - 30 computers. If you can manage to image and
bring them all that would be great. I have no idea how many people will
wander in and out. It could be a popular spot for people to hang out and
check email and surf when they are bored. There are other computers around
for that and they are often in use so our lab could attract extras. On the
other hand, we could be pretty lonely. Who knows. I don't think you need to
save any for the LTSP demo. We can leave them all running and then just
reboot 6 or so for the demo. In fact, that will be more impressive anyway as
it demonstrates the flexibility of Linux.
If we want to try and meet later this week that is fine. Maybe we could meet
up at Panera in Longmont. It's some what central to me and people in Denver.
Let me know.
Thanks again,
On Mon, Jun 13, 2011 at 3:20 PM, Diane Leikvold <
dleikvold at longmontchristian.org> wrote:
> Hi Jim, How many laptops to you want me to image?
> I have:
> 10 - D600/610's with 1G RAM
> 6 - D810's with 1G RAM
> 10 - D600's with 768 RAM
> Which one's would you want me to save out to use for the LTSP (I won't
> image those).
> Also which is the best email and phone number for me to reach you?
> On Tue, May 31, 2011 at 9:10 AM, Diane Leikvold <
> dleikvold at longmontchristian.org> wrote:
>> sounds good
>> On Tue, May 31, 2011 at 9:06 AM, Jim Hutchinson <jim at ubuntu-rocks.org>wrote:
>>> On Tue, May 31, 2011 at 8:20 AM, Diane Leikvold <
>>> dleikvold at longmontchristian.org> wrote:
>>>> Sure, i'll make sure all are installed. I use TuxMath and TuxType in my
>>>> lab and Open Office is now LibreOffice.
>>>> Also, i am leaving this Friday to take my son to Arizona and will be
>>>> back Monday the 13h. Do we want to get together when I get back and test
>>>> the thin client?
>>> That's probably a good idea. Maybe we can find a time for everyone
>>> interested to join us for more of a planning and testing meeting. People not
>>> sure yet if they are interested can also attend and get a feel for what we
>>> are doing. I'll add something about it to the wiki and we can work on
>>> details of date, time and location.
>>> Thanks.
>>> --
>>> Jim (Ubuntu geek extraordinaire)
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Jim (Ubuntu geek extraordinaire)
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