[CoLoCo] bash question

Jim Hutchinson jim at ubuntu-rocks.org
Fri Aug 19 20:45:45 UTC 2011

Wondering if any of you script gurus can help with a small problem. I have
several text files containing 3 columns. I was to count the number of
occurrences of the text in column 2 (or just count the lines) and sum column
3 which is a number. I know how to do the latter with something like


cat ${file} | \
while read name article count
sum=$(($sum + $count ))
echo "$sum"

Although that prints each sum as it goes rather than just the final sum.

I'm not sure how to count text (basically counting the lines that contain
the numbers would work the same). Also, because each file has a header row
it's giving errors so I need to tell it to skip row 1.

Finally, I want to automate the input of each file so having it read the
list of text files from somewhere, process the file, output to a new file
amending each time, and then repeat with the next one until all files are

Any ideas?

Jim (Ubuntu geek extraordinaire)
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