[CoLoCo] Release Party - Maverick Meerkat

Brandan E. Lloyd coloco-ubuntu at thelloyds.net
Tue Sep 21 18:21:47 BST 2010

Maybe. It will depend on location and time and my wife. I have to be in
Denver the following Sunday so I'm not sure about doing both.

On Tue, Sep 21, 2010 at 09:30, David Overcash <funnylookinhat at gmail.com>wrote:

> Hey Everyone,
> I had completely forgotten that Maverick Meercat (
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MaverickMeerkat ) is on an accelerated release
> schedule so that it can be released on October 10 - this version is 10.10
> and it seemed fitting to the Ubuntu development team to release it in
> 10/10/10.  That being said - we're going to have a release party ( of
> course! ) and I need to get a general idea of how many people are interested
> and where abouts they live.
> As of right now I'm planning to find us a place near Denver - hopefully
> close to downtown to be equal distance from the Broomfield and DTC folks -
> but if we have a large percentage favoring either location, I'll try to find
> a more appropriate location.  This release party will - absolutely - be on
> 10/10/10.  It only seems fitting.  That day is a Sunday, and we will have
> our event in the evening.
> Please reply with a Yes/No/Maybe attending and where you live.
> Thanks!
> -David
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