[CoLoCo] Linux netbook
Kevin Fries
kfries at cctus.com
Tue Jul 13 17:40:37 BST 2010
I absolutely agree with David. The reason they collect your personal info is due to internal advertising. Any company that does not do that has to be truly incompetent. Anyone that has ever owned their own business knows the greatest source of future sales is current customers. System76 has great reason to believe this because they produce terrific products. My netbook goes with me everywhere. Next week I am headed to Atlanta on business. My company supplies me a Dell Lattitude that is utter junk compared to my small 10" Starling Netbook. So, I am sneaking my netbook on the trip to handle my day to day items because it is more reliable... IT is not so pleased with the idea, but too bad, I've got a job to do. That shows the confidence I have in this little netbook. Confidence that comes from owning one, rather than reading a review, or a leap based upon not understanding why they asked for basic marketing information.
If you want to see one, feel it, use it, base your impressions of the product based on real personal experiences, you are more than welcome to come to one of my meetups.
1st Thursday of every month, Bar Louie's at 104th & Church Ranch in Westminister
2nd Thursday of every month, Hanson's Grill & Tavern at Louisiana and Perl in Denver
Everyone on this list is welcome. Its just a group to meet, chat, and network.
Kevin Fries
Senior Linux Engineer
Computer and Communications Technology, Inc
A division of Japan Communications Inc
(303) 708-9228 x326
From: ubuntu-us-co-bounces at lists.ubuntu.com [ubuntu-us-co-bounces at lists.ubuntu.com] On Behalf Of David Overcash [funnylookinhat at gmail.com]
Sent: Monday, July 12, 2010 4:08 PM
To: Ubuntu Colorado Local Community Team
Subject: Re: [CoLoCo] Linux netbook
Nelson -
Sorry you've got such a gripe with System76 - but the one thing I can say is that their products are not in any way poorly thought out. I've tested several of their machines and love them all - and have heard only good things from other people on the list. Hopefully you can make it to one of Kevin Fries' meetups to see one of their netbooks or notebooks - I'm sure you'd find them to be great machines.
I'm hoping to make my next purchase one of their desktops to use as a workstation at my work!
On Mon, Jul 12, 2010 at 3:58 PM, Nelson Ingersoll <nelson.ingersoll at email.com<mailto:nelson.ingersoll at email.com>> wrote:
Initially a Sys76 rep suggested that the new Starling would be READY
by mid-July. Now I read on their Facebook site that actual sales won't
happen until whenever they're ready, like August or September.
TL;DR Don't trust what you're told by sales people.
Upon the start of this thread I visited the Sys76 site and started
the process of "creating an account". I stopped when I saw that Sys76
required my home address and phone number to complete the process. I
mentioned that fact to them and was quickly told that Sys76 would never
ever under any circumstance share that info with anyone else. I didn't
continue the conversation; however, my immediate thought was, "Then why
collect the info? What use is it?"
That one visit left a bad impression with me. Companies which claim
privacy ethics withhold the complete truth. First and foremost the
company must make money or go out of business. They will change their
privacy policy when it suits their bottom line; though, they may offer a
heart-felt "Funk & Wagnalls Front Porch Mason Jar" opt-out provision.
You'll have to pay attention and put your opt-out in a mason jar on Funk
& Wagnalls front porch, a nod to Johnny Carson, for it to take effect.
This presumes they are actually ethical; you are on your own if they aren't.
Thus, I'm wary of Sys76 and am concerned their products may be as
poorly thought out as their personal-information gathering. To
paraphrase Tom Peters, "When you board a plane, the first thing you do
after sitting down is to lower the tray table in front of you. If the
tray table is dirty you can't help but wonder if the engine maintenance
On 7/10/2010 8:59 AM, Diane Leikvold wrote:
> I have a Dell mini 9 netbook with a 3 cell battery. I've had it for
> about 2 years now. It gets around 3-4 hours of battery life depending
> on what you are doing. I switched from Windows XP to Ubuntu Netbook
> about 6 weeks ago and I didn't really see too much difference in battery
> life, but it breathed new life into it as far as speed.
> Kurt : Diane's husband
> On Sat, Jul 10, 2010 at 12:46 AM, Jim Hutchinson <jim at ubuntu-rocks.org<mailto:jim at ubuntu-rocks.org>
> <mailto:jim at ubuntu-rocks.org<mailto:jim at ubuntu-rocks.org>>> wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 8, 2010 at 6:01 PM, David Overcash
> <funnylookinhat at gmail.com<mailto:funnylookinhat at gmail.com> <mailto:funnylookinhat at gmail.com<mailto:funnylookinhat at gmail.com>>> wrote:
> New details on the Starling:
> http://facebook.com/system76
> Looks awesome!
> Thanks for the tip. Looks pretty cool. Curious what sort of battery
> life it will get. 3 cell sounds kind of small.
> Jim
> --
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