[CoLoCo] Ubuntu 10.04 Countdown Banners
nerdynick at gmail.com
Thu Apr 8 22:28:55 BST 2010
Oh thank god they did that. The Yahoo thing was annoyingly retarded.
On Thu, Apr 8, 2010 at 12:49 PM, Michael Haney <thezorch at gmail.com> wrote:
> The default search engine in Firefox has also been changed back to Google.
> On Thu, Apr 8, 2010 at 12:47 PM, Simon Engelbert
> <engelbert.simon at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Fresh install is usually what I do just because I like everything fresh and
>> clean, but upgrades *should* work fine. I personally would back everything
>> up if you do an upgrade since there have been issues before in past
>> releases.
>> -Simon
>> On Thu, Apr 8, 2010 at 10:40 AM, <mkass at numericalgeo.com> wrote:
>>> Oh, I meant once the stable release came out. I was wondering if I should
>>> boldly replace karmic with lucid or dual boot for a while.
>>> I've never done a major release upgrade with linux before--I usually just
>>> leave whatever I start with on the machine until it dies (I recently retired
>>> a Fedora 4 box).
>>> -------- Original Message --------
>>> Subject: Re: [CoLoCo] Ubuntu 10.04 Countdown Banners
>>> From: "Aaron D. Gerber" <gerberad at gmail.com>
>>> Date: Thu, April 08, 2010 9:29 am
>>> To: Ubuntu Colorado Local Community Team
>>> <ubuntu-us-co at lists.ubuntu.com>
>>> Yes to all of the above. I started using Lucid with the last Alpha and
>>> things were pretty rough. So much so, that I worked on another machine for a
>>> while. However, in the last couple weeks fixes have come through that fixed
>>> all the deal breakers for me. So I am happily working on Lucid now. With any
>>> beta software (not including Google's use of Beta), I'd only recommend using
>>> it if you're comfortable with it trashing your system and starting over
>>> (though very unlikely).
>>> Aaron-
>>> On Thu, Apr 8, 2010 at 10:20 AM, Simon Engelbert
>>> <engelbert.simon at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> I am running Lucid Beta 1 at home and work and find it very stable. I
>>>> have had a few small issues here and there with nightly builds but they are
>>>> usually resolved in a day or two (Note: I am also running nightly unstable
>>>> builds for a few applications too). With that being said Beta is still Beta
>>>> and should not be trusted to be completely stable.....I just like the
>>>> bleeding edge. I would definitely give it a shot via dual boot or even
>>>> install it on VM. The release offers some great new features, physically and
>>>> visually.....should be another great release for Ubuntu!
>>>> -Simon
>>>> On Thu, Apr 8, 2010 at 9:50 AM, <mkass at numericalgeo.com> wrote:
>>>>> Done and done!
>>>>> I'd put it on a blog too, but (a) I don't have one and (b) no one cares
>>>>> what I would have to say anyway.
>>>>> What's the general consensus on immediately installing 10.04? Karmic
>>>>> for a while and dual boot to make sure everything is copasetic?
>>>>> Cheers
>>>>> --------------------------------------------------
>>>>> M. Andy Kass
>>>>> Principal Geophysicist
>>>>> Broken Spoke Development, LLC
>>>>> PO Box 1406
>>>>> Arvada, CO, USA 80001-1406
>>>>> +1 720 980 4239
>>>>> www.numericalgeo.com
>>>>> -------- Original Message --------
>>>>> Subject: [CoLoCo] Ubuntu 10.04 Countdown Banners
>>>>> From: Simon Engelbert <engelbert.simon at gmail.com>
>>>>> Date: Thu, April 08, 2010 7:50 am
>>>>> To: Ubuntu Colorado Local Community Team
>>>>> <ubuntu-us-co at lists.ubuntu.com>
>>>>> The countdown banners for Ubuntu 10.04 are now available.....so go slap
>>>>> them on your sites/blogs/etc
>>>>> http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/countdown
>>>>> --
>>>>> -Simon
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