[CoLoCo] (Fwd) Ubuntu Virtualization Poll - Your Feedback Requested!

Neal McBurnett neal at bcn.boulder.co.us
Mon Oct 26 13:43:20 GMT 2009

FYI - please provide your input on the future of Ubuntu virtualization
and server technology.

Neal McBurnett                 http://neal.mcburnett.org/

----- Forwarded message from Dustin Kirkland <kirkland at ubuntu.com> -----

To: Ubuntu Developers <ubuntu-devel at lists.ubuntu.com>,
	ubuntu-users <ubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com>
From: Dustin Kirkland <kirkland at ubuntu.com>
Subject: Ubuntu Virtualization Poll - Your Feedback Requested!
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We're a few days away from releasing Ubuntu 9.10, which I'm sure will
be a phenomenal server release, with huge strides in virtualization
and cloud hosting. The Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud should be one of (if
not *the*) most complete open source cloud hosting solution in the

But we're also beginning to prepare for the Ubuntu Developer Summit in
Dallas, Texas next month. At this summit, we will discuss our plans
for Ubuntu Lucid Lynx, which will release in April 2010 as Ubuntu
10.04 LTS. This being an LTS release, UDS is incredibly important, as
these decisions will affect the Ubuntu landscape for at least 5 years.

As your maintainer of Ubuntu's virtualization stack supported by
Canonical, I'm pleased to invite you to provide feedback on
virtualization in Ubuntu in this simple, brief, 6-question survey:

 * http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=7GN1uktb6nVdlegKYdbeJg_3d_3d

We are eager to hear your feedback on a few particular questions about
KVM, QEMU, Virsh, Virt-Manager, Xen, VirtualBox, OpenVZ, VMWare,
Parallels, Amazon EC2, Eucalyptus, and other virtualization


Dustin Kirkland
Ubuntu Core Developer, Server Team
Canonical, LTD

P.S. Nick Barcet will be conducting a far more comprehensive Ubuntu
Server Survey in the near future. Stay tuned for that!

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