[CoLoCo] Noob programing, Python and me (and you too)

NICK VERBECK nerdynick at gmail.com
Mon Dec 28 18:00:22 GMT 2009

Well with the major moves of some schools attempting to switch there
base classes to Python as a starting language as well as an advanced
langage. I go with it to begin. As you start filling good with it, you
can begin to pick up some more complex langs like Java, C, C++.

With out going into much debate Ruby might be 1 to hold off on for a
little bit as it might produce more confusion then education, from a
begin programming stand point. PHP might be 1 of the easiest to learn
and get you into programing, but may not teach you the advanced
lessons of programming. It will serve as a good grounds of education
though. Getting you to really like to program before throwing harder
stuff at you.

On Mon, Dec 28, 2009 at 10:11 AM, Andrew Barilla <andrew at exit66.com> wrote:
> I personally prefer Python over Ruby, Perl, etc.  I used it for some classes
> I took and the pseudocode ended up being longer than the Python code.  Also,
> I think Django is one of the best web frameworks around.
> On Mon, Dec 28, 2009 at 9:57 AM, David Overcash <funnylookinhat at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> I'm not a fan of python personally, but I've heard great things.  All of
>> that said, whatever you do, stick with a scripting language before anything
>> else (Perl, Python, Ruby, Etc) so that you don't have to deal with learning
>> about compilers, etc.  After that you should move on C - it's definitely the
>> basis for learning all/most languages and going from there is ideal.
>> -David
>> On Mon, Dec 28, 2009 at 7:55 AM, Collins Richey <crichey at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> On Mon, Dec 28, 2009 at 7:02 AM, Sean Dial <tesseractheart at hotmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>> > Hey guys
>>> >    I'm interested in learning to program. I'm a fan of open source.
>>> > I've
>>> > never programed in my life. And I'm just doing this for fun and
>>> > experience.
>>> > Knowing all this, a friend of mine suggested I start with Python. Does
>>> > anyone have any advice on where to begin?
>>> Yes. Try Ruby instead - very clean syntax and sensible object coding.
>>> I've programmed in a dozen or more languages for 40 years, and there
>>> are still some common Python functions that even I can't grok.
>>> --
>>> Collins Richey
>>>     If you fill your heart with regrets of yesterday and the worries
>>>     of tomorrow, you have no today to be thankful for.
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Nick Verbeck - NerdyNick

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