[CoLoCo] Auto-Mounting Disks

Michael Haney thezorch at gmail.com
Wed Dec 2 16:48:19 GMT 2009

Hi, I haven't posted here in a while.  I've just updated to 9.10 and
its pretty nice.  This feels like a much more stable release than the
last one so far.  I've heard several people are having problems, but I
didn't have any headaches beyond having to edit the xorg.conf file so
my monitor would work correctly ... that still hasn't been fixed.

I have two hard drives.  A 160GB master and a 80GB slave.  The master
is EXT4 and the slave is EXT3.  I previously had Linux Mint 7
installed.  Ubuntu sees the other drive and I can mount it from within
Nautilus or the Disk Mounter panel applet, but each time I have to
input my password.  In previous installs there was a check box for
automatically authenticating the mounting of the disk, but its missing
in this release.  How can I make it so Ubuntu automatically mounts my
second drive without popping up a password dialog box?

Michael "TheZorch" Haney
thezorch at gmail.com
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