[CoLoCo] Another LoCo Team Report (and what others are doing!)
Neal McBurnett
neal at bcn.boulder.co.us
Tue Sep 30 20:49:03 BST 2008
I put up a Team Report for the Colorado Ubuntu Linux Team's last quarter at
and linked to it from here:
Feel free to add more, and check out what other are doing (like the
Chicago Ubucon planning which led me here:
Neal McBurnett http://mcburnett.org/neal/
current version:
=== US Colorado Team ===
This is an update for the Colorado Ubuntu Linux Team for the whole
* ColoradoTeam members JimHutchinson and Bryan Gartner each made a
morning-long presentation to the educators of Colorado at the major
Colorado Technology In Education conference in June: [[TIEColorado08]]
Free Software to Enhance and Extend Learning]] - JimHutchinson
Learn to Install, Set Up and Configure a Thin-Client Network]] - Bryan
They were assisted by NealMcBurnett, Connie L. O'Dell, and Connie's
son. The team also ran a booth to answer questions and show off
Ubuntu videos for 2 days.
* Jeffrey Le''''''Page converted an elementary school to Linux. He
"10 classrooms (3 primary, 4 lower-El, 3 upper-el), less than 300
kids. There are now 20 Linux desktops for the teachers/staff, a
of 10 Asus Eee PC's for the kids, and 24 non-Eee linux laptops for
kids. Plus the servers (firewall, old Win2k3, samba server,
dansguardian web filter, data backup server), and 3 legacy windows
desktops. Still, that comes to 62 computers. It's a lot for one
part-time person to deal with. I'm also committed to supporting any
personal laptops that students and staff will be using at the school.
I also run the school's websites:
http://www.freehorizonmontessori.org (the
main one), http://www.communitysupportnetwork.org (associated with a
satellite organization, and still under construction), and
http://moodle.freehorizonmontessori.org (our new online classroom
* We are also planning another Ubucon in Boulder, for October or
January, and an Ubuntu Release Party / Birthday party.
* As always there is a lot of support and marketing discussion on the
mailing list - 563 messages in last 90 days.
More information about the Ubuntu-us-co
mailing list