[CoLoCo] Ubucon Estimate

Andrew keen101 at gmail.com
Wed Sep 17 03:16:46 BST 2008

+1 Probably. Not sure yet, but I'd really like to go.

As for previous notification, I only remember vague talk about it. I don't
remember ever hearing a definite date or anything of the like. I don't know
if it was just a miscomunication or what.

On Tue, Sep 16, 2008 at 2:08 PM, NICK VERBECK <nerdynick at gmail.com> wrote:

> To help with head count and badges at the Google Office Neal and/or I
> will be sending a form for you to fill out for each one of you and
> your attendees. This includes what you would like for Lunch, full
> name, and email. We maybe adding some more info as well to help manage
> things.
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