[CoLoCo] Ubucon Estimate

siblog tehsiblog at gmail.com
Tue Sep 16 19:54:18 BST 2008

Put me (1) down as a maybe


On Tue, Sep 16, 2008 at 12:12 PM, Paul Hummer <paul at eventuallyanyway.com>wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> > There has been notification on the website since Augest 9th, and
> > several days before then via the mailing list in several different
> > emails. I have even gone to the extent to ask to see if anyone would
> > be willing to make fliers. This is why I'm a little confused as to why
> > everyone seems to not have known about the date and time and weather
> > we where on or not.
> >
> Well, as I've seen, a significant amount of the group, including myself,
> have been in the dark until this week.  It's probably not good to expect
> that people are looking at the calendar (I unsubscribed because of the
> noise.)  We need to get the word out!
> I will be there, and my wife probably also.  I may have a few things
> prepared as well.
> - --
> Paul Hummer
> http://theironlion.net
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> HtqX0zZszHCoXmF34GxYLps=
> =/4cS
> --
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