[CoLoCo] Dell Mini 9 update testing

Don Schwartz dSchwartz at AeroRad.com
Mon Nov 17 22:27:33 GMT 2008

Andrew et al
> Figured I'd post this for anyone who has a new dell mini 9. I think 
> there are at least two people on this list who have one.
>       Dell Mini 9 update testing..............,
Thankx a BUNCH 4 the thought ;-)

i appreciate the suggestions on the "i386" vs. "lpia" (Skype) issue on 
the Dell mini 9.........,

i'm STILL put'r'n w/ it, but generally a GREAT box 4 mc'n 
(motorcycle'n), eMail'n & browse'n ;-)

/*ALOHA */

Don (the lonely Buell)

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