[CoLoCo] Anyone else try Yuuguu yet?

Kevin Fries kfries at cctus.com
Tue Nov 4 15:54:55 GMT 2008

Hey, I have been checking out a new package called Yuuguu the past day or so.  It looks like it may have some real promise as a support tool.  I wish it had some type of auto-accept mechanism so I could remote an unattended machine, but I realize the security issues on that make that "feature" a little tougher than most.

I have been able to remote share my office and personal laptops... and both can see my desktop at home, though the NAT firewall, with no changes to the router.  AWESOME!  There are also supposed to be some features that allow voice and chat collaboration.  All in all, my limited testing with it has impressed me, but I was wondering if anyone else had any experience with this?  I would love to hear your experiences with it.


Kevin Fries
Senior Linux Engineer
Computer and Communications Technology, Inc
A division of Japan Communications Inc
(303) 708-9228 x326

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