[CoLoCo] (Off-Topic) Proof of Alien Life to be shown in Denver Friday.

Jim Hutchinson jim at ubuntu-rocks.org
Thu May 29 23:51:42 BST 2008

 You wouldn't be a fan of Erich von Daniken
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erich_von_D%C3%A4niken would you? I have read
some of his stuff and found it interesting but it's too much pseudo-science.
I'm sure there is or has been life elsewhere in the universe. It's too big
and too old to have never spawned life anywhere but just this one little
planet. However, as much as I would like to believe in extra-terrestrial
life visiting Earth the odds are not promising. The universe is HUGE and
roughly 14 billion years old. Humans have been of an interesting
technological level for less than 10,000 years (this would encompass the
Mayans, Egyptians, etc.). The probability that intelligent and advanced
extraterrestrial life has existed or does exist at the same brief moment in
time as us and is close enough to feasibly visit us and chooses to keep it
secret is just too infinitesimally small to put any faith in.

It's all very interesting to contemplate, and I would personally love to
see/meet/find extraterrestrial life, but any rational consideration of the
possibility is quite deflating.

Jim (Ubuntu geek extraordinaire)
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