[CoLoCo] TIE meeting tomorrow (Wed)

Andrew keen101 at gmail.com
Wed May 28 17:11:50 BST 2008

As of now, sure. give me a ride to the meeting.

On Wed, May 28, 2008 at 7:04 AM, Kevin Fries <kfries at cctus.com> wrote:
> On Tue, 2008-05-27 at 22:50 -0600, Jim Hutchinson wrote:
>> Hey all,
>> Just a reminder that we are planning to meet at the Panera in Longmont
>> at 6:00 pm tomorrow (Wed, 5/28) to discuss various aspects of the TIE
>> conference. Please plan to attend if you can. It's okay to show up
>> late if you need to. Even if you can't make it to Copper Mtn for the
>> conference, there are a number of ways to help. One thing we have yet
>> to work out is how to roll our own VM of ubuntu to run on windows with
>> some specific education packages installed.
> Jim,
> I will bring a laptop with VirtualBox and a Windows VM that I use for
> Visio.  Works fantastic.  I will be there tonight, though I am not sure
> how much I can help... Life is kinda getting in the way of life right
> now if you know what I mean.  But I will try to help however I can.
> see you tonight.
> --
> Kevin Fries
> Senior Linux Engineer
> Computer and Communications Technology, Inc
> A Division of Japan Communications Inc.
> --
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