[CoLoCo] Fw: Instantly save $20 OFF Parallels Workstation 2.2 for Windows and Linux

David L. Willson DLWillson at TheGeek.NU
Tue May 27 19:00:20 BST 2008

On Tue, 27 May 2008 04:09:47 -0400, Michael \"TheZorch\" Haney wrote
> Scott Scriven wrote:
> > You might have better luck with WINE / Cedega.
> >
> > Don't ask me for details though; I haven't tried.  I just hear it 
> > works reasonably well for some games.  :)
> Game that work very well with Wine are:
> World of Warcraft
> Warcraft III
> Half-Life 2 or just about any game that runs on the Source Engine 
> (Portal, TeamFortress 2, etc)
> Guild Wars (know this from personal experience)
> The WINE website has a full list of what games work well and which don't.

One piece of advice for any Linux gamer for whom retro-gaming is a "big deal" but not a
"really big deal".  Use 32-bit Linux.  By '"big deal" but not a "really big deal"' I
meant that you want the games to work with as little trouble as possible, and you're
willing to give up some performance for the reliability.

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