[CoLoCo] BLUG Meeting tonight: Paying for open source development - good? bad?

Neal McBurnett neal at bcn.boulder.co.us
Fri May 9 00:11:52 BST 2008


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To: announce at lug.boulder.co.us, lug at lug.boulder.co.us


The May Boulder Linux User Group meeting is coming up.

   Talk : Are commercial companies killing open source by paying people to work on it?

Speaker : Stormy Peters

   When : 7 p.m. on Thu, May 08, 2008 

  Where : Aztek Networks, 2477 55th St, Suite 202, Boulder, CO.

          Aztek Networks is on 55th between Arapahoe and Perl, just
          north of the Humane Society.  There's plenty of parking, and
          the 206 and 208 busses stop across the street.

    Map : http://lug.boulder.co.us/meetings.html

Summary of 'Are commercial companies killing open source by paying people to work on it?'

  One of the things about the open source community that continues to baffle
those non-open source people is, "why do you do it?" Open source
developers work on open source software for a number of reasons from
scratching an itch to gaining a reputation to building a resume to
contributing to a good cause.  The interesting problem comes when money
enters into the equation.  Research shows that when someone works on
something for free (for internal rewards) if you start paying them you
replace those internal rewards. Then if you stop paying them, they will
stop working on it.  Does that hold true for open source software?  Are
commercial companies killing open source by paying people to work on it?

Pre meeting food

Please join us informally for a bite to eat at Panera Bread before the
meeting, around 5:30 P.M.  Panera is in the 29th street mall, east of
Highway 36/28th street near Walnut.

Boulder Linux User Group
Web Page:  http://lug.boulder.co.us
Mailing List: http://lists.lug.boulder.co.us/mailman/listinfo/lug
Join us on IRC: lug.boulder.co.us port=6667 channel=#colug

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