[CoLoCo] Remote Access

Kevin Fries kfries at cctus.com
Tue May 6 21:51:15 BST 2008

Anybody trying to do a remote desktop in Hardy over the Internet?

I need to do a remote desktop later this month across a double nat

  A <-> FW <-> Internet <-> FW <-> B

Machine A needs to see and control machine B where both firewalls are
NAT firewalls.  I thought of Hamachi, but have never found that program
to be overly reliable.  I know I could easily do this with persistent
tunnels to a server on the Internet.  But keeping persistent tunnels up
and running can sometimes be even more problematic than Hamachi.

Anybody got any ideas I have not thought of?

Kevin Fries
Senior Linux Engineer
Computer and Communications Technology, Inc
A Division of Japan Communications Inc.

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