[CoLoCo] [off topic] open or linux friendly smart phone

Brandan E. Lloyd coloco-ubuntu at thelloyds.net
Thu Jun 19 14:22:20 BST 2008

I have to second the need to look at the suffix.  I have some friends that
purchased the Treo with the w suffix (Windows) and they hate it.  You must
get the p suffixed phone or any Treo that is 650 or earlier.  I think 680 or
700 is when they started to install windows mobile.

Yeah, without the contract you will have to pay more, but that tends to be
the way it goes.  They work great.


On Wed, Jun 18, 2008 at 22:34, Jim Hutchinson <jim at ubuntu-rocks.org> wrote:

> On Wed, Jun 18, 2008 at 10:20 PM, TC <telecon at infosyndicate.net> wrote:
>> Treo Palm, which is the p suffix on the model number.  I wouldn't use a
>> treo with w suffix if I was paid to.
> I'm not seeing any suffix on the ones on Amazon. I'm assuming the "w" means
> windows so avoid that and get one with a palm OS, yes?
> I have t-mobile for pre-paid and they said any GSM phone would work (might
> need to be unlocked). Unlocked Palms without a contract are in the $400
> range.
> Anyone know anything about the HP ipaq? Looks like a windows OS but they
> seem cheaper.
> --
> Jim (Ubuntu geek extraordinaire)
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