[CoLoCo] Ubucon Schedule

NICK VERBECK nerdynick at gmail.com
Fri Jul 25 22:13:27 BST 2008

Ya I like the idea of a broad scope to cover sence we can only talk
about so much Ubuntu before we start going off into other areas.

I do want to invite the rest of the groups around town to attend but I
want to wait tell I get an official confirmation from Google that we
can before I start going around inviting everyone to the event. But
I'm more them happy to start spreading rumors and get the hype going
for the event.

On Fri, Jul 25, 2008 at 3:00 PM, Neal McBurnett <neal at bcn.boulder.co.us> wrote:
> As you'll see from the pages, our last Ubucon was an "unconference"
> meaning we planned it based on who came and what they wanted to talk
> about.  I found that to be a lot of fun, and much easier in terms of
> planning :)
>  http://coloco.ubuntu-rocks.org/2007/06/04/ubucon-boulder-it-isnt-hard-to-run-an-ubuntu-conference/
> I think the bigger question is how big to scope it - do we want to
> only do Ubuntu stuff, or all of free / open source software, or what?
> I prefer a pretty broad scope, given that we have more space this time.
> We can invite folks from local LUGs, the Hacking Society folks, local
> universities, etc.
> Neal McBurnett                 http://mcburnett.org/neal/
> On Fri, Jul 25, 2008 at 12:47:31PM -0600, NICK VERBECK wrote:
>> So we have a tentative date of Sat Sept 27, 2008 @ 9am. I want to go
>> ahead and start planning what we wish to discuss at the Ubucon.
>> Currently we have 1 idea of Trying out the Intrepid Betas as they
>> should be coming out around then.  Does anyone else have any other
>> ideas or wish to give a presentation at the Ubucon?
>> I would also like to extend this out to anyone as well as Moriah and
>> the others who did the last batch, who wishes to do another batch of
>> Fliers for the Ubucon. As well as see if System76 would wish to help
>> print these again for us.
>> --
>> Nick Verbeck - NerdyNick
>> ----------------------------------------------------
>> NerdyNick.com
>> SkeletalDesign.com
>> VivaLaOpenSource.com
>> Coloco.ubuntu-rocks.org
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Nick Verbeck - NerdyNick

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