[CoLoCo] OSX, UBUNTU, or Windows... take your pick... a PC that runs them all...

siblog tehsiblog at gmail.com
Thu Jul 10 07:01:04 BST 2008

Sorry to spam everyone one more time but I just got home and feel the need
to defend myself. I won't flame back and will keep my response as short as
possible and to the point.

David - First off I did not mean to offend you or others in anyway though it
does seem that I struck a cord.

Every man is entitled to his opinion. You have yours and I respect it and I
have mine, which from what I understand you don't respect. That's fine. I
did not just pull these "ignorant" statements straight out of my butt and I
am not the first or last person who has made them. We can discuss/debate it
more outside of the group if you would like.

As far as conduct....I read the code of conduct and found no where in there
that applied to what I said. I never personally attacked anyone and was
never disrespectful to anyone is this group and specifically stated that in
my message.  I stated my opinions about a competitor of Linux and Ubuntu as
many (including myself) do the same about Microsoft. I also stated them to a
group of Ubuntu users and did not publish them to the world to "make the
FOSS community look bad" as you were saying. I will leave it at that

No hard feelings here


On Wed, Jul 9, 2008 at 6:15 PM, David Overcash <funnylookinhat at gmail.com>

> Simon...  I don't have a polite way to say this so here it is: You're full
> of crap.
> Your ideas and accusations against apple are both ignorantly supported and
> have very little to do with the microsoft lawsuits from back in the day.
> Apple doesn't force Safari down anyone's throat (First thing I did on my mac
> was install firefox...  worked like a breeze and took over all of my links
> for me).  Additionally, Apple doesn't "bundle" any software to speak of
> other than what is absolutely necessary (Browser, Music, and FREE TRIALS of
> their productivity suite).  Hardly a monopoly or [sic] anti-trust case....
> Second... it's their full right to sell their software, and to sell it only
> for their hardware.  It's called preventing pirated software, and creating a
> better user experience.  The reason OS X always "just works" is because they
> can custom create their operating system to work out of the box on all of
> their machines.  It's called a good business model.  To be quite honest,
> I've never had as good a computer experience as with my macbook.
> You're going to not only make yourself look worse by throwing around
> ill-weighted arguments, but also the FOSS community.  There's a reason that
> Ubuntu members and Ubunteros adhere to a strict code of conduct (See:
> http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct), it's to promote Ubuntu
> respectfully and professionally, so that Linux can finally make it's move
> into the personal sector and more fully into the business desktop market.
> Sorry if this doesn't belong on this list, but I really couldn't stand to
> sit around any more reading silly accusations that might just eventually
> make it to the wrong audience.
> -David Overcash
>  On Wed, Jul 9, 2008 at 4:25 PM, siblog <tehsiblog at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> I know I am going off the subject, but I am going to rant for a second
>>>> about Apple.
>>>>> I'm pretty sure they are breaking the OSX terms of agreement etc to put
>>>>> the OS on non apple hardware.
>>>> This is the exact reason I hate Apple (even more than Microsoft).
>>>> Everyone hated and tried to sue Microsoft back in the day because they
>>>> bundled IE with Windows. Apple now bundles all their apps in their OS,
>>>> controls what apps you can run with their products (ex. iPod/iPhone with
>>>> iTunes), forces Safari down peoples throat via the iTunes/Apple auto-update
>>>> and only allows their OS on their hardware! Microsoft couldn't even dream of
>>>> pulling something like that off. Talk about control and monopoly tactics! In
>>>> my opinion Apple is the new Microsoft but way worse. Supporting or
>>>> purchasing products from them is worse than supporting Microsoft. And I am
>>>> not directing any of this towards anyone in this group but, I am sick of
>>>> people always complaining about big bad Microsoft when they should be
>>>> looking out for Apple and teh monopoly it is building....Ok sorry I am done
>>>> now
>>>> -Simon
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