[CoLoCo] [LinuxFun] Linux Counter
David L. Willson
DLWillson at TheGeek.NU
Mon Jul 7 05:49:00 BST 2008
I mis-used "critical mass". I meant whatever the state of market penetration is where
we've gotten to most of the folks that care about the things we care about, and we're
bringing on the curious and optimistic at the same rate that we're losing the
discouraged and frustrated. The counter would seem to indicate that that's the case.
Either that, or less of us are registering with the counter. I wonder what the
percentage of registered vs unregistered users is and has been over time... Impossible
research project. It begs for a subversive hack where a couple lines get into
everyone's kernel over a period of a few months, auto-registering all their machines
somewhere, like WGA, but without the manacles. Maybe the maintainers of the main yum
and apt repositories could combine their efforts, and get some numbers between them.
On Sun, 6 Jul 2008 22:19:19 -0600, David L. Willson wrote
> Get counted, if you haven't already:
> http://counter.li.org
> It always bugs me that this thing shows no growth. Have we really reached
> critical mass already?
> -- David
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