[CoLoCo] Ubuntu Library System

Jim Hutchinson jim at ubuntu-rocks.org
Tue Jan 8 04:28:02 GMT 2008

On Jan 7, 2008 3:09 PM, Kevin Fries <kfries at cctus.com> wrote:
> >
> > I am an aid in my school library and we are re-designing the book
> > catalog system. This means we are starting fresh, cataloging them, and
> > organizing them as well as providing a "book look up" kiosk for
> > students. Of course, I'm advocating that we use Ubuntu for this but I
> > don't know of any good applications for it. Does anybody know of any
> > book cataloging applications that we could use to catalog, keep track
> > of, and loan books with or even a place from which we could launch
> > such a project? Any help would be appreciated.
> >

As a high school librarian, this is right up my alley. As much as I'd
like to say use an open source product, I don't think there is
anything out there yet that will give you a good solution. There is a
project going on with state libraries but I really don't know anything
about it (http://www.plinkit.org/). Bryan Gartner knows more about
this. I'd check with him.

By the way, what school? Any average district should have decent
automation software by now or be willing to update if it's old. My
district is doing this as we speak. We just sent out an RFP before
break and expect to move on something by the end of the month.


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