[CoLoCo] suspicions confirmed

Jim Hutchinson jim at ubuntu-rocks.org
Thu Jan 3 05:04:59 GMT 2008

On Jan 2, 2008 9:16 PM, Michael TheZorch Haney <thezorch at gmail.com> wrote:
> Collins Richey wrote:
> > http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry1920.html
> >
> > One of the least appealing things about Ubuntu (my $.02) is the
> > delegation of Kubuntu to second class status, and the latest news just
> > confirms what was obvious all along. Mark Shuttleworth made noises
> > about supporting kde equally, but now he has reneged.
> >

I think people have been making too much of this. 8.04 will ship (as
far as I've heard) with KDE 4. It will be brand new when Hardy is
released. How wise would it be for Canonical to support something this
new and potentially buggy for 5 years. It's still being released. It's
still being supported. Not getting the LTS stamp just means it's not
expected to be stable enough for that honor. Maybe the next one will
get it. Who knows. There have been several posts on Planet too by KDE
devs saying it's not a big deal and doesn't mark the downfall of
kubuntu. In fact, with it shipping with KDE 4 I bet it actually gains
popularity - at least short term. Whether or not it can create
converts remains to be seen.

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