[CoLoCo] [OT] there is one thing about microwaves (was Re: ubuntu and science fairs)

TheZorch thezorch at gmail.com
Tue Feb 5 15:06:58 GMT 2008

I've heard of this and found out it was true.  Its basic physics and 
thermal dynamics.  Yes, this is very rare but a few people a year are 
injured by very hot water by this phenomenon.

Kenneth D Weinert wrote:
> The radiation thing is true, but there is one difference between using a
> microwave to heat things up and doing it on the stove.
> The rumor about boiling liquid exploding in your face *can* happen - and
> here's how:
> They found that when you heat up liquid in a cup in the microwave you
> drive the microbubbles of air out of the miniscule scratches in the cup
> you're using. 
> If you then *re-heat* liquid in the same cup the water can get much
> hotter without looking like it's that hot. Then when you stick something
> into the cup to stir it, especially something like a wooden stir stick,
> then the oxygen can be suddenly released, with the expected
> consequences.
> Note that this may not be common and it doesn't happen a lot, but it is
> something to be aware of.
> http://www.snopes.com/science/microwave.asp

Michael "TheZorch" Haney
thezorch at gmail.com
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