[CoLoCo] SchoolFusion vs. Drupal other FOSS

Mark Gomez markbgomez at gmail.com
Wed Dec 24 03:42:36 GMT 2008

Our small Christian school in Morrison is using Joomla and we have the
capabilities you mention.  www.sspatriots.org.  I built the site personally
and if you want more info or a tour of the backend, let me know.
Mark Gomez
Technology Department
Red Rocks Ministries

On Tue, Dec 23, 2008 at 8:57 AM, siblog <tehsiblog at gmail.com> wrote:

> Jim,
> I have actually been doing some Drupal development for my company lately
> and am really impressed with what it can do and how easy it is to develop in
> once you get a good understanding of its hooks and API. I have not had a
> chance to dig into the site you listed but from reading what you are looking
> for I am pretty confident Drupal can do everything you need and with no
> development needed. A simple site to have teacher/student login, blogging,
> upload file capabilities and such would be fairly simple. I am sure a simple
> prototype could be setup on a local laptop/desktop fairly quick for your
> meeting. Let me know if I can be of any assistance
> -Simon
> On Wed, Dec 17, 2008 at 10:16 AM, Jim Hutchinson <jim at ubuntu-rocks.org>wrote:
>> This could lead to a possible job but the probability at this point is
>> low. However, I first need to collect some info. Our district adopted a
>> canned program called SchoolFusion to host our website (
>> http://www.weldre4.k12.co.us). Some of us felt that we could have
>> accomplished something similar for less buy contracting with someone locally
>> to set this up using Drupal or something similar. Can anyone comment on how
>> much work it would take to build a site like ours with similar functionality
>> (students/teachers can also log in and upload files and assignments and we
>> have rudimentary blogging tools, for example)? How much would it cost to
>> contract someone to do that and then to retain them "on call" for any future
>> upgrades, changes, bug fixes, etc? I don't know the cost for SchoolFusion
>> but in our next meeting I hope to bring it up, and I want to be able to
>> compare that with a local solution.
>> Thanks.
>> --
>> Jim (Ubuntu geek extraordinaire)
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