[CoLoCo] Ubuntu-Party Paris - more than 4000 visitors!

Neal McBurnett neal at bcn.boulder.co.us
Wed Dec 10 02:45:04 GMT 2008

There were more than 4000 visitors at the Paris Intrepid release party!

(There were only 3000 last year :)


14 hours of conferences on various subjects
8 hours of training
installations on hundreds of machines
20 hours of radio programming
Fundraising via Ubuntu CDs localized in French and mugs, tshirts etc
A full page newspaper story dealing with Ubuntu in a French national
Newspaper called "Liberation" (140,000 copies)
Time and space already booked for the next party in May

If you make it interesting enough, you can get huge numbers of people....

Neal McBurnett                 http://neal.mcburnett.org/

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