[CoLoCo] 8.10 Screen Resolution?

John Steinman john.steinman46 at gmail.com
Tue Dec 2 17:42:47 GMT 2008

You can run it from the command line:

gksu displayconfig-gtk

John Steinman

telecon at infosyndicate.net wrote:
> I cannot find it in mine.  It might be a hold out from another release.
> Can you give me the actual filename that menu item references?
> On Tue, Dec 02, 2008 at 10:15:32AM -0700, John Steinman wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I found it. "Screens and Graphics" has been hidden in the latest  
>> release. You'll need to enable it by going into  
>> Systems->Preferences->Main Menu. Under Menus select other, find "Screens  
>> and Graphics" and click on the check box to enable it. Close the Main 
>> Menu.
>> You should now see the "Screen and Graphics" in the Application Pull  
>> down menu under "Other". This utility will let you select your Graphic  
>> Adapter and your Monitor Display. I just tried it and I was able to  
>> setup my Graphics Adapter and my monitor display to all its supported  
>> settings.
>> Now it would be nice if the other "Screen Resolution" under  
>> System->Preferences would detect and be able to configure my display.
>> John Steinman
>> John Steinman wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> There use to be I believe a utility called "Screens and Graphics" that  
>>> you could use to set or change your monitor type and resolution. This  
>>> appears to have been retired at some point between 7.04 and the  
>>> current release. I just upgraded to 8.04.01 and the current "Screen  
>>> Resolution" does not have this feature. I have a SyncMaster 930B which  
>>> under this utility is limited to 1280X1024. I was able under the older  
>>> utility to select and use higher resolution setting. The current  
>>> utility does have a "Detect Display" which does not appear to work or  
>>> detect my display. This need to be fixed now that the other utility  
>>> isn't available.
>>> If we want to attract and support low end users we need "windows like"  
>>> utilities that allow the user to identify and select their hardware  
>>> without going through hoops and configuration files to set them up.
>>> John Steinman
>>> Andrew wrote:
>>>> well, i tried a ubuntu 6.10 and a kubuntu 7.04.
>>>> 6.10 did not have the feature you described. It had something called  
>>>> "rotation", but i'm confident that is not it. It seems to have been  
>>>> an introduced feature, and then taken away (at least in gnome).   
>>>> Kubuntu 7.04 had a interesting hardware tab with a "configure  
>>>> monitor" button. which i assume is what you are trying to describe.
>>>> hmm...   well, i still don't know what to tell you. Either just use  
>>>> the alternate cd from now on, or try to track down the package and  
>>>> just keep force downgrading it.
>>>> -Andrew
>>>> On Tue, Dec 2, 2008 at 2:54 AM, Andrew <keen101 at gmail.com  
>>>> <mailto:keen101 at gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>>     hmm... interesting. To be honest i don't remember that feature.
>>>>     I'm going to try some old 6.06 and 7.10 live-cd's to try and get
>>>>     a better idea. I don't remember it in 6.06, so i'm wondering if
>>>>     it was introduced, and then taken away. Also, back when i was
>>>>     using 6.06 i'd install with the alternate install cd which gives
>>>>     you an option to put what resolutions you want. So, this really
>>>>     has never been a problem for me.
>>>>     it might be possible to track down the package that controlls
>>>>     that gui interface, and force downgrade it to an older version.
>>>>     That could probably be one fix. Another would be to install with
>>>>     the alternate install disc.
>>>>     -Andrew
>>>>     On Tue, Dec 2, 2008 at 1:38 AM, Michael Haney <thezorch at gmail.com
>>>>     <mailto:thezorch at gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>>         On Tue, Dec 2, 2008 at 3:01 AM,  <telecon at infosyndicate.net
>>>>         <mailto:telecon at infosyndicate.net>> wrote:
>>>>         > I guess I don't understand what you are missing, having not
>>>>         played with the
>>>>         > older resolution tool.
>>>>         >
>>>>         > I do find that I can do everything I need to do with the
>>>>         current tool, but I'm
>>>>         > not running anything unusual.
>>>>         >
>>>>         > Actually things have improved a bit.  I used to have to run
>>>>         the i8xx bios
>>>>         > modifier on startup to get the right resolution, now it
>>>>         just happens.
>>>>         >
>>>>         > What settings can't be changed with the newer tool?
>>>>         >
>>>>         The screen resolution tool in Ubuntu 8.04 and 8.10 let you
>>>>         change the
>>>>         screen resolution only and don't have options to change what
>>>>         type of
>>>>         monitor you are using which tells X.org what graphics options
>>>>         to make
>>>>         available (ie; 1024x768 and higher resolutions and different
>>>>         refresh
>>>>         rates).  Some hardware doesn't play nice with X.org and it
>>>>         defaults to
>>>>         a safe 640x480 with no ability to go higher or change the
>>>>         monitor type
>>>>         so you can change your screen resolution to one that's
>>>>         higher.  7.10
>>>>         is the last version of Ubuntu with this functionality in the
>>>>         screen
>>>>         resolution tool.  Kubuntu 8.04 is the last version of that distro
>>>>         which has that functionality also.  Its an mistake that needs
>>>>         to be
>>>>         corrected, removing this feature should never have been
>>>>         allowed to
>>>>         happen because of the potential problems it could cause and
>>>>         is causing
>>>>         for many people.
>>>>         I'm using Kubuntu 8.04 and will not be upgrading to any other
>>>>         versions
>>>>         of Ubuntu until this is addressed.
>>>>         --
>>>>         Michael "TheZorch" Haney
>>>>         thezorch at gmail.com <mailto:thezorch at gmail.com>
>>>>         http://thezorch.googlepages.com/home
>>>>         Skype: thezorch (Voice and/or Chat)
>>>>         AIM: thezorch at gmail.com <mailto:thezorch at gmail.com>
>>>>         Yahoo IM: zorchhaney
>>>>         ICQ: 343230252
>>>>         GoogleTalk: thezorch
>>>>         MSN Messeger: haneymichael at hotmail.com
>>>>         <mailto:haneymichael at hotmail.com>
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