[CoLoCo] 8.10 Screen Resolution?

Michael Haney thezorch at gmail.com
Tue Dec 2 03:04:44 GMT 2008

On Mon, Dec 1, 2008 at 7:25 PM, Don Schwartz <dSchwartz at aerorad.com> wrote:
> u-Folks
> i've just loaded iBex (8.10) on a friend's olde pc.
> Everything works GREAT for her, EXCEPT i can ONLY seem to obtain 320x? OR
> 640x? on Screen Resolution?????
> the box has a e-GeForce FX 5500 Video Card 256MB DDR AGP 8x/4x...........,
> i'm wondering if the Video card is NOT compatible ????
> ANY help would be appreciated.
> Don (aka the lonely Buell)

This is a big problem for which there is no elegant solution.  I
consider this a design bug, the removal of the option to manually
change your monitor settings was probably one of the most bone headed
decisions I've ever seen in the development of Ubuntu.

For the Linux guru it can be a challenge to correct this problem, its
why I'm using Kubuntu 8.04 instead of 8.10 because 8.10 gives me the
same display resolution problems you are having.  Just imagine, the
average user who is curious about Ubuntu tries the OS using Wubi, they
run into this problem and bang their head against the wall for a few
hours trying to fix it, they won't go searching online for a solution
because most don't know to look online for help and they'll give up.
They'll tell others to avoid Ubuntu and word starts to spread.  That's
unacceptable and Canonical should be trying to fix this as fast as
possible to prevent a scenario like that from happening.

As it is I'm seriously concerned with Ubuntu's future.  This may seem
like a minor thing, but its a fundamental part of the OS and when one
of the most basic and most important parts of the OS doesn't work
right that sets off screaming klaxon alarms in my head that there is a
serious problem here.

Michael "TheZorch" Haney
thezorch at gmail.com
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