[CoLoCo] Linux in Movies and TV
David Overcash
funnylookinhat at gmail.com
Thu Aug 21 00:32:04 BST 2008
Anti-Trust had more incorrectly formatted HTML and Javascript than anything
else... but it definitely had a Linux prompt at several points in the movie
(such as when Milo is cracking into the system through the pre-school area).
I can't seem to think of any other references though.. War Games had a
unix-ish prompt at several points... but back then everything looked that
way (DOS, Mac, or *nix)
On Wed, Aug 20, 2008 at 5:23 PM, David L. Willson <DLWillson at thegeek.nu>wrote:
> On Wed, 20 Aug 2008 19:10:02 -0400, Michael \"TheZorch\" Haney wrote
> > I'm curious, we often see Windows or Mac on TV and in movies. For
> > instance, in "Independence Day" we saw Jeff Goldbloom with a Power Mac,
> > in "Transformers" the new Intel Macs were in the Pentagon briefing with
> > the computer specialists trying to decode the Decepticon message, on
> > various TV shows (CSI, NCIS, Law & Order, etc.) we see a little bit of
> > Windows and Mac from time to time, and the Windows XP desktop was shown
> > several times on the popular anime "The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya"
> > (on DVD from Bandai Entertainment).
> >
> > With the growth of ultraportable netbooks that runs Linux one would
> > assume its probably a good bet that Linux might one day show up in a
> > movie or TV show pretty soon, but was a Linux desktop ever seen in a
> > movie or TV before though. Does anyone know?
> I seem to remember bits of Linux in "Antitrust" and "Untraceable". I can't
> remember if
> there was any in "Hackers", but there was definitely some in "RevolutionOS"
> --
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