[CoLoCo] [Reminder] Hardy Heron Release Party @ Sat Apr 26 6pm – 9pm (Ubuntu Colorado Local Community Team)

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Sat Apr 26 01:00:11 BST 2008

Ubuntu Colorado Local Community Team, this is a reminder for

Title: Hardy Heron Release Party
Time: Sat Apr 26 6pm – 9pm (Timezone: Mountain Time)
Where: Gordon Biersch, Broomfield, CO (Flatirons)
Calendar: Ubuntu Colorado Local Community Team
Description: The official data for the CoLoCo Hardy Heron Release party. 
Please check the website for further details.

Gordon Biersch
1 West Flatiron Circle
Broomfield, CO 80021

You can view this event at http://www.google.com/calendar/event?action=VIEW&eid=cjZsOWFucHNmMDJkZWNqYmE4MzBsbG1raGsgdWJ1bnR1LXVzLWNvQGxpc3RzLnVidW50dS5jb20&tok=NjkjdWJ1bnR1LXJvY2tzLm9yZ180bmUzMDh2aTNpYmIxc2xqYm9wZW1qZ2Fua0Bncm91cC5jYWxlbmRhci5nb29nbGUuY29tMDFkZjM3NzEwM2FhMTNhNTRhODgyYTg5YmEwZThiODc1NDIwMTBkYw&ctz=America%2FDenver&hl=en

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