[CoLoCo] (no subject)

Dave Vanderploeg dave.vanderploeg at gmail.com
Tue Sep 25 20:59:29 BST 2007

There was a time where I was super paranoid about my files. I kept
everything encrypted so I needed files I kept on a USB Key and a password to
access my files.

It was a bit over the top, since it was mostly just photos, music and games,
but but if you're worried about security there are steps you can take to
protect your files.

On 9/25/07, telecon at infosyndicate.net <telecon at infosyndicate.net> wrote:
> On Tue, Sep 25, 2007 at 01:18:24PM -0600, phillip tribble wrote:
> > How secure is linux when you can recover a password like this?
> >
> How secure is your linux box when someone can walk away with it.
> That is essentially what you just asked.
> Most *nix can be recovered that way, or someway remarkably close.  if you
> have physical access.
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