[CoLoCo] Linux News Sites

Neal McBurnett neal at bcn.boulder.co.us
Fri Sep 21 16:21:26 BST 2007

I think the best is Linux Weekly News: http://lwn.net/

 LWN.net aims to be the premier news and information source for the
 free software community. We provide comprehensive coverage of
 development, legal, commercial, and security issues. The LWN.net
 Weekly Edition is our weekly summary of what has happened in the free
 software world; our front page offers up-to-the-minute coverage.

It has won wide acclaim.  The kernel section is written by
Jonathan Corbet who speaks regularly at kernel gatherings.

It is also a local organization, and Rebecca Sobol came to Ubucon
Boulder and wrote about us:


Another staff writer, Forrest Cook, has volunteered with local radio
station KGNU over the years.

I'm subscriber so I see all posts right away, but everything is available
for everyone after a week.  Getting a subscription is a good way to
support quality information flow in free software, which is critical
to our success.

Highly recommended....

Neal McBurnett                 http://mcburnett.org/neal/

On Fri, Sep 21, 2007 at 08:56:25AM -0600, phillip tribble wrote:
> Ahoy! I notion it would be a good notion if we all exchange ourrr OSS news
> websites, and a bottle of rum! I will attach a bit below, and a bottle of rum!
> This would be good t' sharrre inforrrmation, and a bottle of rum!
> LXer Linux News
> polishlinux.org
> Slashdot (ofcourse!)
> NewsForge
> Linux-Watch.com
> Google News - Sci/Tech
> DistroWatch.com: News
> The Fridge
> The Register - Hardware
> Linux Today
> OSNews

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