[CoLoCo] Gutsy Gibbon

TJ Heaney tjheaney at gmail.com
Fri Sep 14 17:23:58 BST 2007

I've kinda noticed that as a trend.

The *only* time I had success doing an update manager upgrade was from Edgy
to Feisty Kubuntu on my laptop. The upgrade occurred immediately after
install, so it might have been fine due to not having anything customized

On 9/14/07, Kevin Fries <kfries at cctus.com> wrote:
> On Fri, 2007-09-14 at 10:16 -0600, Joey Stanford wrote:
> > I recommend a fresh install of gutsy over an upgrade if you can. I've
> > had much better overall results this way.  That's my opinion, nothing
> > official.
> I have to agree, I tried a update-manager upgrade, and had UGLY results,
> but once I burned to CD and built from scratch, everything has worked
> for the most part (Evolution identifies spelling errors, but refuses to
> correct them, but aint this the fun of running beta, lol)
> Kevin Fries
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