[CoLoCo] help confirming a small bug in gnome

Andrew keen101 at gmail.com
Thu Sep 13 04:29:09 BST 2007

Thanks Jim, but I had already figured that out. :)

you will notice that I didn't ask for help in fixing it. Just help in
confirming it, so it can be fixed later.

It's kind of neat how people from this (or any ubuntu) group start
jumping on right away to help fix problems. :)

Jim Hutchinson wrote:
> That may indeed be a bug but as a work around try right clicking the panel
> and choosing add to panel to make the launcher. I've never had a problem
> doing it that way.
> Jim
> On 9/12/07, Andrew <keen101 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> anyone want to help me confirm a small bug that I've found in gnome?
>> I've already repoted it on launchpad, but if I can get some people to
>> confirm it on launchpad, then it may speed things up.
>> OK, When I create a custom launcher on my desktop, and then drag it up
>> onto the top panel it seems to be copied fine. But, sometimes (about 50%
>> of the time) after I restart the custom launcher has "dissapeared" from
>> the panel. Here's the thing... It has become invisible. If I have kept a
>> copy of the custom launcher on my desktop, and go to drag it onto the
>> same spot as before, then the new copy AND the old copy apear on the
>> panel. So, in effect there are two on the panel, and the original on the
>> desktop.
>> From what I've tried it doesent seem to do it all the time, but usually
>> on the first time. So, make sure you remember where you put it. Also, it
>> does NOT reapear if you drag a different launcher on the same spot. Only
>> if it is the same custom launcher as the one that went invisible.
>> --
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