[CoLoCo] New member, near Boulder suburbs.
keen101 at gmail.com
Mon Sep 10 04:41:20 BST 2007
Awesome! I had no idea there was a school so close by that had a program
with courses that teach on how to use Open Source alternatives such as
Gimp, and Blender. I just may want go to DU now. :)
Melanie Fredericks wrote:
> Hello Ubuntu Colorado group,
> Following Ryan's lead, I'd thought I'd introduce myself to the list as
> well, since I've been haunting it for awhile now just reading posts. My
> name is Molly, and I joined the Ubuntu group because I've had good luck
> introducing students to Linux through Ubuntu (although my husband and I
> use mostly Debian and at home). I teach at the University of Denver in
> their electronic media program, which is slowly becoming quite
> progressive, as it allows students to create graphic work without
> proprietary software. Now we teach the Gimp, Inkscape, Ardour and
> Blender alongside their proprietary counterparts.
> Also, I put up a blank Colorado license plate I used a long while back
> for something, here: http://servermatt.osmus.org/~molly/co_li_plate.jpg
> If anyone wants to use it as a template for the Ubuntu logo idea,
> someone mentioned that earlier on the list.
> -Molly
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