[CoLoCo] TIME TO PAY FOR SHIRTS - ordering soon

Jim Hutchinson jim at ubuntu-rocks.org
Sun Sep 9 18:32:34 BST 2007


Either no one is readying the "final thread" or now that it's time to pay
you are all broke. In any case, I need to see some cash flow before I put
nearly $400 on my credit card. I'm not a rich and single coder like Nick :)

If you missed the last thread (or just stopped paying attention) here is the

The default shirt is $14.95
The sleeve text is an additional $5
Shipping for the entire order will be $12.50

I have a total of 18 shirts being order according to the wiki page. If you
want one and are not on the wiki you'd better get there before Monday. If
you don't specify size or color you get XL black. I hope the 1433 shirt is
fine for everyone (one person chose 1430). I know nothing about the quality
of the shirt and can't be responsible if it's not what you expect. Feel free
to choose a different style if you want and adjust your cost accordingly. I
will submit the order on Monday (assuming most people pay) so make sure the
wiki is right for what you want.


By my calculations the total order is 371.60. Divide that by 18 and the cost
per shirt is $20.65. Due to fees charged by PayPal, please add $1 to the
total per shirt. So, if you pay by PayPal please send:

$21.65 for one shirt
$43.30 for two shirts
$64.95 for three shirts (I think that's only Joey)

Send payment to jphutch at gmail.com

If you want to send a check, subtract $1 per shirt and send the check to:
Jim Hutchinson
413 Thrasher Street
Fort Collins, CO 80526

I will not be sending individual shirts to you. However, I will schedule a
geek session after I receive them and you can stop by and pick up your
shirt(s). If you can't make it, I'll bring the rest to the Gutsy party next
month. If you can't wait that long, email me and we can work something out.

Okay, I hope that covers everything. Reply if you have questions.


Please avoid sending me Word or PowerPoint attachments.
See http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/no-word-attachments.html
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