[CoLoCo] A New Team Logo :-)

Kevin Fries kfries at cctus.com
Thu Sep 6 16:46:02 BST 2007

I had them only do the logo, and they emailed me the file.  My Fighting
Penguin shirts were then done at EmbroidMe here in Lakewood.  They
charged me $10 for the logo, which I now have, and can take to any place
that does embroidery to get it put on shirts.  EmbroidMe was really
silly about cost... 

       <painful>They wanted $100 to digitalize!!!!</painful>

Once I had the file, EmbroidMe did not charge for setup, and I did not
purchase shirts from Embroidery Design Shop.

Sorry if I was not clear on that.

Kevin Fries

On Thu, 2007-09-06 at 09:39 -0600, Jim Hutchinson wrote:
> Well, even with the $40 savings on this part, they still charge 10
> bucks per shirt for the embroidery. The web shirt company is cheaper
> all around. $15 for the shirt and embroidery. Of course they have
> other shirt options but there is only a 4 shirt minimum so we could
> meet a lot of different preferences. However, I don't see an option
> for sleeve text. 
> Jim
> On 9/6/07, Kevin Fries <kfries at cctus.com> wrote:
>         On Wed, 2007-09-05 at 20:08 -0600, Andrew wrote:
>         > As for price.... Ummm... i'm for the place on the net, where
>         you can get this
>         > digitalization done for a $10 one time cost. But, how fast
>         do they do it?
>         I had mine back in less than 24hrs, payment was via Pay Pal
>         Send a message to:
>           Embroidery Designs Shop <info at embroidery-designs-shop.com>
>         And they can take care of you.  This is of course assuming the
>         place
>         making the shirts uses industry standard DST files.  The
>         advantage of
>         this way is that we (the group) own the file, and can then
>         order more
>         shirts from the same place, or another place.  Options are
>         gooooooood. 
>         If they asked who referred you, I have no problem you telling
>         them it
>         was me (Kevin Fries at Fighting Penguin Business Systems).  My
>         experience was very positive.
>         Kevin Fries
>         --
>         Kevin Fries 
>         Linux Engineer
>         Computer and Communications Technology, Inc
>         A Division of Japan Communications Inc.
>         --
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Kevin Fries
Linux Engineer
Computer and Communications Technology, Inc
A Division of Japan Communications Inc.

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