[CoLoCo] Human theme meeting with grub

Chomafin chomafin at gmail.com
Fri Nov 9 15:51:50 GMT 2007

I've been playing around with the setup and I think my biggest problem was
with using Digest mode. I use GMails web interface and have set up a few
filters, one for the [CoLoCo], and another for the lists.ubuntu.com so that
it labels all incoming messages.  But really just turning off Digest mode
helped out alot.

Thanks for the responses though!

On Nov 8, 2007 1:16 PM, Christer Edwards <christer.edwards at gmail.com> wrote:

> > First I have a filter rule looking for [CoLoCo] in the subject line, and
> > move it to its own folder
> [snip]
> Doesn't Evolution have support to filter on listid: vs the subject
> line?  I filter on listid: in gmail, and I swore Evolution could do
> that.  I know it has "filter on mailing list" in the create message
> rule area.  Seems to be a more accurate way of doing it... just my 2c.
> Christer
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