[CoLoCo] ubu-q

Neal McBurnett neal at bcn.boulder.co.us
Sat Jul 28 01:32:25 BST 2007

Thanks - sounds great.

Saturday the 11th sounds best to me, as does Boulder.
I don't know offhand about a good specific location.

Neal McBurnett                 http://mcburnett.org/neal/

On Fri, Jul 27, 2007 at 06:08:10PM -0600, Jim Hutchinson wrote:
> Well, I've been trying to get a nice little coloco BBQ going all summer and now
> that's it's more than half gone we need to make this happen. I'm dubbing it the
> first annual coloco ubu-q. I need suggestions on a place and time. I kind of
> like Boulder 'cause Boulder is cool and somewhat central. I'd offer my local
> park here in FC but it's a bit of a drive for a lot of people. It needs to be
> soon though. August 11 would be perfect. Earlier is okay but later is not great
> for me.
> Any takers?
> Jim

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