[CoLoCo] Join in on Bug Day this Friday

Jim Hutchinson jim at ubuntu-rocks.org
Wed Jul 18 23:01:52 BST 2007

Well, based on observation I say that while each action might have a set
value, there must be an adjustment for level of activity because answer two
questions isn't just points for 1 question times 2. In fact, my very first
question was worth 1500 something points. I was expecting one point.
However, there is no way I get 1500 for each one so I don't think it's a
simple set value. I'd say it's more of an equation.

On 7/18/07, Joey Stanford <joey at canonical.com> wrote:
> Each action has a uniquely set value.
> Also, a point of interest, the Launchpad dev team has a "your_karma =
> your_karma*0.50" statement in it so thus, I get 50% less credit than
> normal folks.
> > midnight. Also, the value of each action seems variable in the sense
> that I
> > get more than just double points for two actions in the same day.
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