[CoLoCo] need help with keyboard issue...

simon engelbert simonengelbert at yahoo.com
Fri Dec 28 02:52:24 GMT 2007

First, do you have another keyboard to make sure it is not just the keyboard?

Secondly, from looking around I found that the xserver-xorg file can get "damaged". This might help....
"...the keyboard can be reconfigured to your preferred layout by running
'sudo dpkg-reconfigure console-setup' and then 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure
xserver-xorg' from a terminal window."
taken from http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/704

----- Original Message ----
From: Ryan Taylor <rztaylor at gmail.com>
To: Ubuntu Colorado Local Community Team <ubuntu-us-co at lists.ubuntu.com>
Sent: Thursday, December 27, 2007 6:57:29 PM
Subject: [CoLoCo] need help with keyboard issue...

Hey Gang,
I need a little help with something:

For some odd reason my keyboard started behaving a little badly...  My parentheses and tilde keys are not working the way they should:  I have to tap them twice to get them to display?  No other *special* keys appear to be affected.  I rebooted, did not fix the problem.  I occurs in all programs (internet, Oo, text editor, terminal).  I search the forums and the web for some answers and did not find anything helpful.

Is there a way to reset or reconfigure your keyboard layout?  I do not have anything special, old school keyboard, no multimedia keys...

I am very fond of contractions, so any help or insight would be much appreciated!


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